Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back to Work

As anticipated in the last post, it was indeed some time before I was able to get back to work.  But the weekend was productive.

The balcony is now framed and decked, along with the interior platform -- difficult to see in the photo, since it was still covered by the tarp.  Later, when the weather improved, I stained the deckboards.  

This morning I spent a few hours cutting the veranda roof rafters.  Using the carpenter's square to measure the angles really is the way to go; they came out nice and neat.

Trim next, then siding, then the roof.  Pat needs his tools back soon, so there's new deadline pressure :-)

1 comment:

snobbyblogger said...

I cannot believe you used the keys to make a smiley face. Didn't think you had it in you! Just when you think you know someone...

(^_^) (my version)
